From left to right:
- 300 g - 2005 Chang Tai 1st SoutEast Asia Pu-erh Trade Memorial Cake
- 200g minibeeng - 2002 MengHai "201 Natural-Habitat BanZhan" Cake (front row)
- 357 g standart beeng - 2006 Ming-Yuan Hao "Yi Wu - 858 Puerh Museum" beeng
- 100 g minibeeng - 2006 Tea Expo Memorial "Hun Tie" Xiao Beeng (front row)
- 450 g - 2007 Xi Zhi Hao Autumn Da Xue Shan
Dear TA,
What did you make of the second and third cakes (and where did they come from)? I've not tried them before!
I got the third (858 YiWu museum) as very generous gift, it's sold by Guang at HoudeAsianArt.com
I bought the second (2002 Menghai BanZhan) from Guang as one of my very first beengs. Actually, I do not like BanZhan and Lao Ban Zhang pu-erh too much, I found them a bit flat, uninteresting.
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